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International Conference on Ultra Low Temperature Physics (Heidelberg, Aug. 2017)

Poster: ``Pairing in strongly correlated Fermi gases: Superfluidity in cold gases and neutron matter'',

H.-H. Fan, E. Krotscheck.

Quantum Fluids And Solids (Prague, Aug. 2016)

Invited Talk: ``Correlations in the low-density Fermi gas: Fermi-Liquid state, Dimerization, and BCS pairing'', H.-H. Fan, E. Krotscheck, and R. E. Zillich.

Pairing Phenomena from Neutron Stars to Cold Gases (Buffalo, Mar. 23-25 2016)
Quantum Fluids And Solids (Niagara Falls, Aug. 2015)

Poster: "Correlations in the low-density Fermi gas: Fermi-Liquid state, Dimerization, and BCS pairing"

Recent Progress In Many-Body Theories (Niagara Falls, Aug. 2015)

Poster: "Correlations in the low-density Fermi gas: Fermi-Liquid state, Dimerization, and BCS pairing"

Phase Transitions in Low Dimensions (Buffalo, Nov. 2014)
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